Professor Jian S. Dai, CEng, IEEE Fellow, ASME Fellow, FIMechE, is Chair of Mechanisms and Robotics at King’s College London and is a leading expert in manufacturing efficiency, manufacturing cost, and automation, and a pioneer in reconfigurable and metamorphic mechanisms and robots.
Prof. Dai is distinguished for his pioneering work in establishing the field as ‘reconfigurable mechanisms’. With his highly innovative and international leading work, he received the 2020 “ASME Machine Design Award” which is the most prestigious award in the field of machine design and the 2015 “DED Mechanisms and Robotics Award” that is the top award in the mechanisms and robotics community. His fundamental theories and technologies for creating reconfigurable mechanisms made it possible to bridge the gap between versatile but expensive robots and efficient but nonflexible machines.
Professor Dai published over 600 peer-reviewed papers, and 8 authored books, with Google citation number over 12000. His pioneering work in cost efficiency and modelling efficiency with Dr Niazi created a powerful framework to increase cost efficiency and productivity. The work can be cited as follows: Niazi, Dai, et al (2006) Product cost estimation: technique classification and methodology review, J Manuf Sci Eng, Trans ASME, 128(2):563-575; and Niazi, Dai, et al (2007) A new overhead estimation methodology, J Eng Manuf, 221(4):699-710. These presented a systematic classification of all cost techniques, and proposed a decision-support model(DSM). These are widely cited over 500 times and used by Frank J Fabozzi, Harvard Professor of Finance, in his book Complete CFO Handbook: “From Accounting to Accountability”.
Proressor Dai serves as a Subject Editor of Mechanism and Machine Theory, Associate Editor of Trans ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, and Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science.
As an R&D advisor for Novus Altair, Professor Dai has extended his theories of cost efficiency and modelling efficiency that helped increase our productivity and resulted in efficiency savings.